St Mellitus College offers context-based theological training rooted in prayer and worship, combining academic excellence, a focus on missional leadership, and the shaping of Christian character. We train women and men to share the Gospel, energized by the life of the Spirit, committed to unity in the church and world, and longing to serve, proclaim Christ, and present a coherent witness in a changing world.
Formed in 2007, we have experienced remarkable life and growth across our four centres in London, Chelmsford, the South West and the East Midlands.
Our vision is to see theologically confident and committed followers of Jesus in every church.
Our mission is to provide innovative theological education and training for those called to serve Christ in the church and the world.
The following values characterise life at St Mellitus College:
- Excellence – First-rate academic, administrative and teaching staff, drawing on the expertise of a wide range of visiting professors and associate lecturers.
- Missional – An unashamed commitment to the life and growth of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, for the sake of the world.
- Hopeful – The culture of the College is one of taking God seriously, but not ourselves. We have fun as we learn and study together.
- Innovative – A commitment to cutting edge innovation that enables students to fully invest in the call of God on their lives.
Generous Orthodoxy
We serve and bring together those of different traditions in the church to help us learn from each other. 'Generous Orthodoxy' was a phrase that the founders of St Mellitus College used to describe the approach the college took to bringing together the mainstream traditions of the church in a mission-focussed and Spirit-inspired way, as it sought to train students across the breadth of the church. We seek to be open to the Holy Spirit’s transforming power at work in the church and the world. We celebrate a commitment to creedal orthodoxy – ‘the faith once handed on to the saints’ - held in an undefensive and generous way.
Read a reflection from the President of St Mellitus College Bishop Grahm Tomlin on Generous Orthodoxy.
St Mellitus College is a single national institution with four centres across England, located in Chelmsford, the East Midlands, London, and the South West.