Dr Jonny Rowlands is Undergraduate Formation Group Tutor at St Mellitus College, East Midlands. Jonny is married to Joanna, follows Liverpool FC and has a keen interested in music and photography.
Research Projects
Jonny was primarily trained primarily as a New Testament scholar. However, his research is now focussed on the implications Christian theology has for how we think (and how we ought to think) about historical and literary study of the Bible and the person of Jesus Christ. In The Metaphysics of Historical Jesus Research (his PhD thesis and now first book), Jonny examines the philosophical and theological presuppositions that underpin modern historical Jesus research. He is currently working on a research project on the role of formation and personal character in interpreting the Bible, as well as a project on the ethics of citation in biblical scholarship.
- The Metaphysics of Historical Jesus Research: A Prolegomenon to a Future Quest for the Historical Jesus (London: Routledge, 2022).
- “In Defence of ‘Theological’ Readings of the New Testament,’ Journal for the Study of the New Testament (forthcoming).
- “Prayer, Formation, and Scriptural Interpretation,” Scottish Journal of Theology (forthcoming).
- “On Chickens, Eggs, and the Birthplace of Jesus,” Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus (forthcoming).
- “The Theological Lineage of N.T. Wright’s Historical Method.” Journal of Theological Interpretation (forthcoming, 2021).
- “Jesus and the Wings of YHWH: Bird Imagery in the Lament Over Jerusalem (Matt. 23.37-39; Luke 13.34-35).” Novum Testamentum 61.2 (2019), 115-36.
- “Reception History, Theological Interpretation of Scripture, and the Future of New Testament Studies.” Journal of Theological Interpretation 13.2 (2019), 147-67.
- “John Coltrane’s A Love Supreme as Prayed Glossolalia: A Suggestion.” Journal of Pentecostal Theology 28.1 (2019), 84-102.
- “Difficult Texts: ‘A Dog at the Table’ in Matthew 15.21-28.” Theology 122.4 (2019), 285-88.
- PhD in Theology and Religious Studies, University of Nottingham (2020).
- MPhil in New Testament Studies, Jesus College, Cambridge (2015).
- BA (Hons) in Theology and Religious Studies, University of Nottingham (2014).
Modules Taught
- 4G – Elementary Biblical Greek
- 4IB – Introduction to the Bible
- 5G – Intermediate Greek
- 6G -Advanced Greek
- 7IBT – Issues in Biblical Theology
- 7TTW – Advanced Study of a Theological Text: N.T. Wright
- 7IBT – Issues in Biblical Theology
- 7TT - Advanced Study of a Theological Text
- 7MT – Methods in Modern Theology
- 7ATCD – Advanced Topics in Christian Theology
- 4FTRP – Foundations for Theology and Reflective Practice
Areas of Interest
- The Doctrine of Scripture
- Theological and philosophical hermeneutics
- Theologies of History
- Hebrews